

The first time I met the lovely Lucy, it was supposed to be just a relatively quick first meeting to discuss the impending arrival of her first baby and what she was hoping for in her birth photography. After coffees were drunk and lunches were eaten, we were still talking…and continued to for three hours! Lucy had recently finished a course in women’s wellness and she was absolutely pumped about her upcoming birth. She had so much faith in not only herself but also her birth team, and she was more than prepared mentally.

On the evening of Eddie’s birth I received a call from Lucy. She had been quietly labouring all day at home and things were progressing nicely. The incredible thing about that day was that Lucy’s Mum and Grandma (who live in England) were on a plane headed to Australia in the hope to be here to lend a hand when the baby arrived. They touched down in Sydney to the news that Lucy was in labour and they raced to Newcastle not knowing if they would make it in time for the birth.

It was a lovely sight when I walked into Belmont Birth Centre to see Lucy being supported by her Mum and Grandma and of course her hubby Shane. She hopped into the birth pool and with the gentle support of her lovely midwife Nancy, she handled her pain beautifully. In the end, sweet baby Eddie came out in a big hurry and surprised us all. Lucy and Shane were immediately besotted and entranced with this new little person. Their first family member.

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